If you agree that I would be a good choice to be your Trustee, I could use your help getting elected. (Successful campaigns are a grassroots effort).
Check the voters' list and make sure you're registered properly to vote in Ward 1, 2, or 3. Then on voting day, make sure you vote on your trustee ballot screen which comes after your Mayor and Council choice screens. (Barrie uses electronic touch-screen voting). If your ballot card does not give you the trustee option, or my name does not appear on the list, cancel your ballot and bring it back to the poll station workers, who will reprogram it properly. Don't cast an incomplete ballot!
Beyond voting, there are many powerful ways you can engage the civic process and help elect me to the Board.
You could have my sign on your lawn. Email me with your name and address and I'll arrange delivery.
You can host a chat over coffee or tea at your house and invite concerned neighbours or parents, and I'll happily meet with you and hear their concerns. Just contact me and we'll set it up.
Last but not least, running for trustee does cost money and a contribution would be appreciated. Advertising and brochures cost real money, and there are no government subsidies. Candidates for Mayor and Council can expect generosity from developers' deep pockets, but Trustees are largely on their own. A modest contribution from you will lessen my burden and expand my election budget.
I can accept up to $25 in cash; for any amount over that, write a cheque to Erich Jacoby-Hawkins Campaign. Then call me to arrange pickup (I'll bring you a sign on the same trip), or mail it to:
57 Daphne Crescent
Barrie, ON L4M 2Y9
Thank you to the many people who have so far been generous with their support!